Thursday, May 31, 2012

The Elusive Ten Pound Goal: Week Three

I had a really hard time coming up with a title for this week's post because I have so many mixed emotions today. I promised you readers the ups and the downs, I know. However, today is kinda "in-between."

I weighed in this morning, and I was really expecting to have reached my first ten pound goal, but alas, not today. I did lose one more pound. I am very happy to have lost that pound, but I'm a little frustrated because I thought Induction (Phase 1 of the Atkins Program) was supposed to be rapid loss. Well, obviously I'm not experiencing rapid, but can a girl get a little boost? I'll settle for medium speed at this point!

I know, once I get all the kinks worked out, things will pick up for me. I have to keep reminding myself this is the first time I've ever done this program and I've got a lot to learn. 

Week four starts today, and I'm excited, because I know this will be the week I reach my first ten pound mark! Also, next weekend is my treat day, and I'll reward myself with a small something that I've been wanting. Let me tell you, that's going to take some planning, because that list is long!

I'm going to share a few things about week three:
We had a family get-together this weekend at my Grandmother's house. The plan was for everyone to sit around and visit while eating corn and peanuts! Yes! CORN and peanuts. I knew the corn was off limits, and I wasn't sure about the peanuts, so I didn't have any of those either. We did grill some pork chops and have a fresh salad, and believe me, I was so thankful for that! Saturday was also my beautiful niece's ninth birthday and her mom brought out this lovely Tinkerbell cake she'd worked all night making. I can't tell you how GOOD that cake smelled! The ultimate test was here. And... I PASSED!! I didn't have any, but I wanted it! Later on when we got home, I looked up the nutritional information on boiled green peanuts, and there are 6g of net carbs per one cup (in the shell). So I decided to have some. And I had some again the next afternoon. After that I thought maybe I shouldn't have anymore. I didn't want to over-do it. 

I can say for myself that my self-control is really growing, and I'm very proud. I'm still considering quitting with the Crystal Light and trying to find another alternative that doesn't include Aspartame. I think the peanuts could have stalled me a little this week, but I am one pound lighter- make that nine pounds lighter than I was!!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. It really is a motivator for me. It might sound absurd, but in your own way, you are helping me achieve my goals, and I appreciate it more than you know. Until next time!!

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