Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Surgery Time Frame Update!

I had an appointment today with my GP. I was really excited to see her. She's an amazing doctor, and she has this character quality that I can't put my finger on that you can't help but love.

When I scheduled this appointment I was really disappointed because I thought I'd have to start all over again with the six consecutive month visits on the supervised diet because I missed my appointment in December due to some personal issues. Yesterday I called my RN with the Bariatric Resource Solutions (BRS) division of my insurance to give her an update, and I told her I'd be starting over. She asked why I'd missed my appointment and when I explained what had happened in December, she told me that I didn't have to skip that month! So going into today's appointment, I was really excited! When I got there I found out that my first appointment was late October instead of early November, so I was bummed again, because I thought I'd missed another appointment. Much to my surprise I was reminded that I'd had a sleep study in November and could use the consultation after the study as an appointment for that month! Now I have four months under my belt, and two to go! What?!?!

It gets even better.

I left her office with my letter of medical necessity and decided to drop it off at the surgeon's office, as it was the last thing they needed to schedule my initial appointment! So guess what I did? That's right. I scheduled my initial appointment for Tuesday, January 15th, SIX days from now!

Here's where I need YOUR help:) If you have any suggestions on questions I should be asking, please comment with them or email me! Girlfriend needs some advice. I'm so excited, and emotional! My husband is like, "Babe, relax!"

Speaking of relaxing, I got some not so great news. I've been dealing with severe hemmorhaging  for quite a few years now, on and off for months at the time. (See previous post, "Is Losing Weight A Life or Death Situation" for more deets.) So long story short after the last bout in June of last year I was hospitalized, had to have a DNC and a blood transfusion, and spent a week in the hospital. Ew. Eek. Hated it. Well it's back now going on three weeks and it ain't joking. So after blood work, she told me my counts are really low. REALLY low, and she wanted to admit me today, but I promised to go home and take it easy and by the weekend we'll check again. As long as I don't cut a finger off, I should be okay.
All this stinks like rotten bologna because I got my Fitbit today (I'll be doing a review next week) and I wanted to get as many of the 10,000 steps in today as I could. I know when I lose some weight my hormones will level back out again, because they did the last time. So I guess I can use this as motivation! There's a way to  banish that negative thinking!

So on that note I'm going to wrap this thing up! For those of you that have just started following my blog, I'm not a crazy poster like this. My goal is two to three a week, not five in two days, so bear with me! Thanks so much for your support. It means a lot. (My body thanks you too!)

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