Monday, January 14, 2013

Weigh Day & This Week's Goals 1/14/13

It's that time. The day of the scale is upon us! Well. Me. So.
I find myself thinking some of you think I'm taking this to seriously before I get an actual surgery date, but then I stop and say, I'm sure EVERYone else was just as excited and determined to make this thing work for  themselves as I am! Right? Right. It's all about setting a routine.

Here it is. The moment we've all, well, me, I have been waiting for: and drum-roll please!

That's right! In case you can't see it the scale reads 331.8. It was teetering between there and 332.0 down 4 lbs. ya'll!
I'm so proud of myself for pushing to do it. All from little changes.
Here's what I did:
I started back with MFP, and set my intake goals, and stuck with it!
I tried everyday for at least 64oz. water... and I achieved that almost every day.
I used my new Fitbit to track my steps and calories, and shot for 10k steps a day. *to be REVISED!
I stayed focused and motivated by blogging and reading your blogs, and my newest addicton-!

So here are my goals for this week:
Stay under intake goals: 1500kcal, 150g carb., 50g fats daily.
Drink 64 oz. or more of water each day.
Get 5k steps on the Fitbit.

Also this week, I'm beginning a new effort to better manage my time. I've made a daily agenda. As you may know, I am a stay at home wife. Yet another reason there are no excuses for not achieving my goals. Because I stay at home, and we don't have any children, except my doggies, it's very easy for me to spend too much time on the computer. That's my biggest downfall. I don't watch TV during the day, it's just the web that draws me in! My daily agenda has a few stipulations I believe will help me be more active, get more steps and burn more calories.
They are:
Get up when the alarm goes off! Just do it!
Pray, eat breakfast, have coffee and devotion time.
Get dressed... Tennis shoes!
Walk for at least 20 minutes.
Chores until lunch. NO SITTING!
Eat lunch *30 minutes each meal.
Walk for at least 20 minutes.
Chores/ play with the dogs NO SITTING!
Cook dinner, eat.
Walk for 20 minutes.
Clock out (around seven or eight pm.)
Note: Probably M, W, F, I'll take 1-3 pm to blog and such.

These may seem a little lofty, but I don't think so. I have been very sedentary for awhile now. Before I can start a regular higher intensity workout, I have to get my body used to moving again. I think this is the way to do that. I have to remember to push as hard as I can, and if I don't make it one day, not to beat myself up, but get up and keep going.

Are there any additions I should try to put in there help me prepare for my band? I love it when you all share your ideas and experiences with me. So feel free to comment or email me.

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